
A Letter to My Fellow Asian Women Whose Hearts Are Still Breaking

Still and always, hypersexualized, ignored, gaslit, marginalized, and disrespected as we’ve been, I am so fortified, so alive, when I’m with us.

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Hasnain says:

This whole piece is so heartbreaking and moving.

“Yesterday, after the prolonged delay, I finally did talk to my mother, and I asked her to please take extra care when leaving the house. I was trying not to cry, and of course I failed, and of course my mother immediately tried to reassure me. She listed all the reasons she felt okay going to the store—she had this list ready, she’d been thinking it through—and then she started trying to convince me, the one in less danger, not to leave my apartment. If I did leave, she proposed I talk more loudly than usual in English, the hope being that racist white people would know I belonged.”

Posted on 2021-03-20T02:26:17+0000