
Abstracting away correctness -

I've been banging the same drum for years: APIs must be carefully designed. This statement doesn't resonate the same way with everyone. In order to really understand what I mean...

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Hasnain says:

This was a very long read, but oh so worth it - capturing a lot of thoughts I've had over the last couple of years when designing new APIs to ensure they are ergonomic and hard to get wrong.

(also inb4 Rust fanboy-ism - the type system definitely does make it easier to enforce these patterns)

"But there is a silver lining - once you have experienced "good design", it's really hard to go back to the other kind. Even after acknowledging that "good design" inevitably comes at a cost, whether it's cognitive load, compile times, making hiring more challenging, etc."

Posted on 2020-12-29T02:01:16+0000