
The West Gave Up On Wiping Out Covid — And That Was Its Big Mistake

The West Faces a Brutal, Bleak Covid Winter — While Normalcy is Returning in the East

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Hasnain says:

Well put and quite an interesting take. This makes a good point but is a bit depressing to read.

“Contrast that attitude with almost every Western country. America’s an egregious example, and Americans blame Trump for their Covid nightmare. The fault, though, isn’t just his. It’s a larger failure of American institutions, society, the American mind — to this day, you won’t read a single media column or see a single pundit saying that Covid should be eliminated. Joe Biden won’t say it. Nobody will. And so what do you expect? The average American acts like the world’s biggest idiot, precisely because nobody is educating him or her not to be. Teaching them that the way to deal with pandemics is to wipe them out.

If I wrote a column tonight entitled: “America’s goal should be zero Covid cases,” and sent it to the NYT — it’d get swiftly rejected. You see how deep the problem goes. Nobody much is willing to face reality in America to the point that basic ideas that make other societies successful aren’t even part of society’s and the individual persons’ thought process anymore.”

Posted on 2020-12-06T17:51:42+0000