How raising children can change a father’s brain – James K Rilling | Aeon Essays
The bodies and brains of fathers, not just mothers, are transformed through the love and labour of raising a child
Hasnain says:
"Researchers have found some answers here, too. There is evidence for a decline in fathers’ testosterone even during the partner’s pregnancy, so cues from the mother could be important. There is also evidence that postnatal contact with the infant can both lower T and increase oxytocin. Perhaps something about the appearance, the odour or actual tactile contact with the infant is responsible. A notable 2015 study showed that skin-to-skin contact with premature infants increases both parental and infant oxytocin levels. These findings predict that human fathers should become more strongly bonded to their children if they spend more time in close proximity to them as infants, and this has indeed been demonstrated."
Posted on 2020-11-20T07:04:33+0000