
Why I Left IBM to Work on CockroachDB

I’m a database nerd. Or, to be more precise, a DBMS nerd. But back in university, I avoided the Databases course at all costs. A little ironic when you consider I quit my job building IBM Db2 to work on CockroachDB.

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Hasnain says:

Really engaging read, not just on databases, but also on a long career journey and how to continue learning and growing.

The advice at the end definitely stands out for more than just database engineers.

"When deciding where to work, which team to be a part of, or how to spend your energies outside of work, it’s always helpful to remember that we have the ability to influence our own luck. While you can’t always control the “right time”, you may have a better sense for the “right place”."

Posted on 2020-11-19T05:47:23+0000