
What Gödel Discovered

In 1931, a 25-year-old Kurt Gödel wrote a proof that turned mathematics upside down. The implication was so astounding, and his proof so elegant that it was...kind of funny. I wanted to share his d...

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Hasnain says:

Quoting one of the top hacker news comments on this:

"The author in a self-deprecating way says that he’s not a mathematician, but just a programmer. Bear no mind to that: this is one of the best popular expositions of Goedel theorem I’ve seen. Everything is very accurately explained, there are no silly mistakes and untruths one often sees mentioned in context of Goedel theorem, and even the original proof is sketched in a very approachable manner, striking a very good balance between getting across all crucial ideas, and skipping most of the distracting technical aspects (which are important and interesting, but I think only to mathematicians, haha). Great job all around."

This is a really good in-depth explanation of the incompleteness theorem and I can now finally say I (sorta) understand it.

(also trying not to get sucked back into doing some more proofs...)

Posted on 2020-11-17T07:13:34+0000