
On Engineers and Influence

(Based on yesterday’s tweetstorm and the ensuing conversation, Let’s talk about influence. As an engineer, how do you get influence? What does influence look like, what is it rooted in…

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Hasnain says:

Excellent read on how to wield influence as an engineer and get things done, in companies large and small.

"One final thought. You can have a lot of say in what gets built and how it gets built, if you cultivate your influence and spend it wisely. But you can’t have a say in everything. It doesn’t work that way."


"And once you have influence, don’t forget to use it on behalf of others. Pay attention to those who aren’t being heard, and amplify their voices. Give your time, lend your patronage and credibility, and most of all teach the skills that have made you powerful to others who need them."

Posted on 2020-10-04T07:56:45+0000