On the use of a life
First, to dispense with the philosophical argument: Yes, this is my life, and yes, I'm free to use — or waste — it however I please; but I don't think there's anything wrong with asking if this is how my time could be best spent. That applies doubly if the question is not merely about the choice...
Hasnain says:
This was a really enlightening read on the pursuit of satisfaction in life. Especially relatable given the Pakistani focus on always climbing up some ladder or the other or being given a focus in life.
“Okay, so, what do we think about TarSnap? Dude was obviously a genius, and spent his time on backups instead of solving millennium problems. I say that with the greatest respect. Is this entrepreneurship thing a trap?”
(I usually leave out author bios but it’s relevant in this case, he started university at 13, got a PhD from Oxford and won the Putnam to boot)
Posted on 2020-09-21T05:51:46+0000