
He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them

Amazon cracked down on coronavirus price gouging. Now, while the rest of the world searches, some sellers are holding stockpiles of sanitizer and masks.

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Hasnain says:

This seems like a clear cut case of price gouging, the authorities now have this person’s info - I wonder when some action will be taken (there’s also been other admissions of gouging in Canada).

“Mr. Colvin does not believe he was price gouging. While he charged $20 on Amazon for two bottles of Purell that retail for $1 each, he said people forget that his price includes his labor, Amazon’s fees and about $10 in shipping. (Alcohol-based sanitizer is pricey to ship because officials consider it a hazardous material.)”

Posted on 2020-03-14T18:46:11+0000