
I'm not feeling the async pressure | Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings

Async is all the rage. Async Python, async Rust, go, node, .NET, pick your favorite ecosystem and it will have some async going. How good this async business works depends quite a lot on the ecosystem and the runtime of the language but overall it has some nice benefits. It makes one thing really si...

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Hasnain says:

This is a pretty good read - side stepping the discussion around the async/await hype, this goes into some really fundamental concepts of distributed systems (flow control and back-pressure) and shows how almost everyone gets it wrong.

There are some tradeoffs in making this code easier to write and more accessible - you can set yourself up for a lot of future pain without the natural railings of "hey this is getting tough maybe I should ask for help" to help out.

"The lack of back pressure however is a type of footgun that has the size of a bazooka. If you realize too late that you built a monster it will be almost impossible to fix without major changes to the code base because you might have forgotten to make some functions async that should have been. And a different programming environment does not help here. The same issues people have in all programming environments including the latest additions like go and Rust."

Posted on 2020-01-02T07:48:28+0000