
Working for a startup makes less sense

Today, there’s an interesting startup dilemma that has become more obvious in the collective consciousness of tech employees than ever before. Put bluntly, it’s that working at most startups (in their current form) in a world full of growing tech giants like Google, Facebook, Apple, Netflix, etc...

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Hasnain says:

This was posted as a counter to an article earlier in the day advocating why one should quit a big company and work for a startup.

While I believe the decision is highly individual - I do agree with the author and folks at large that the market has gotten quite crazy - it’s downright impossible for startups to compete or get some of the skilled engineers they *need*

“To make the situation worse, the very good engineers, the ones who could truly help build a tech company from the ground up from day 1, were getting offers so exorbitant they could not possibly fathom to turn them down. And, to be clear, I’m not saying that one should or should not place money or perks above everything, but that from my experience, money and perks are such a strong driver for most people that it’s already activated an industry-wide transformation due to the expanding resources of big tech companies and the failure of startups to keep up with them.”

Posted on 2019-12-24T07:17:08+0000