
The Coming Boeing Bailout?

Hi, Welcome to Big, a newsletter about the politics of monopoly. If you like it, you can sign up here. Today I’ll discuss how a merger in the 1990s ruined Boeing, and why the government will have to step in to save the company. Let’s start by admiring the company that was Boeing, so we can know ...

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Hasnain says:

Interesting analysis of financial and corporate incentives that lead to Boeing getting where it is and the resulting root cause of the 737-MAX saga.

I would take some pieces of this with a grain of salt though as the author appears to have an axe to grind.

“In 2005, Boeing hired its first ever CEO without an aviation engineering background, bringing in James McNerney, who got his training in brand management at Proctor & Gamble, then McKinsey, and then spent two decades at General Electric learning from Jack Welch how to erode industrial capacity in favor of shareholders. He brought these lessons to Boeing, and...”

Posted on 2019-10-20T20:46:01+0000