
Paternity Leave Has Long-Lasting Benefits. So Why Don’t More American Men Take It?

Men who take leave are less likely to get divorced, and have better relationships with their children, research shows.

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Hasnain says:

The article goes into the author's own anecdata around the tale of two births, one with more parental leave than the other; and then goes into some studies on the benefits observed in families even decades later, when leave was present.

However I feel like one quote in the article has a very easy (sad) answer: "Why Aren’t American Men Taking Leave?" -- it's just not available.

Ends on a good conclusion though:

"For my part, I came out of my own paternity leave with an easy ability to take both of the kids as soon as I was done at work, or to handle sick days when they came up. That allowed my wife to transition back to her own job more quickly, and to commit with more confidence to new projects. We are both still as overwhelmed as most other parents of little kids, but at least we feel like we’re muddling through it together."

Posted on 2019-06-16T00:03:02+0000