
May 28th, 2018 | Vol. 191, No. 20 | U.S.

TIME IllustrationTIME Ideas How Baby Boomers Broke America Steven Brill May 17, 2018 SHARE Ross MacDonald for TIME ONE Lately, most Americans, regardless of their political leanings, have been asking themselves some version of the same question: How did we get here? How did the world’s greatest de...

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Hasnain says:

This was an amazing read. I first thought it was just going to be another one of those articles just blaming baby boomers without having any more substance; but I was glad to be proven wrong.

Read on if you want a history lesson; an intro to how legal compensation got so high; learn about social inequality, and what people are doing to stop this madness.

"That, rather than a split between Democrats and Republicans, is the real polarization that has broken America since the 1960s. It’s the protected vs. the unprotected, the common good vs. maximizing and protecting the elite winners’ winnings."

Posted on 2019-03-24T03:48:47+0000