
These Cookie Warning Shenanigans Have Got to Stop

This will be short, ranty and to the point: these warnings are getting ridiculous: I know, tell you something you don't know! The whole ugly issue reared its head again on the weekend courtesy of the story in this tweet:I’m not sure if this makes it better or

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Hasnain says:

Great read that both explains the cookie warnings and then takes them down, explaining how they're counter productive and harm the very consumers they're meant to protect.

"So in summary, everyone clicks through cookie warnings anyway, if you read them you either can't understand what they're saying or the configuration of privacy settings is a nightmare, depending on where you are in the world you either don't get privacy or you don't get UX hell, if you understand the privacy risks then it's easy to open links incognito or use an ad blocker, you can still be tracked anyway and finally, the whole thing is just conditioning people to make bad security choices. That is all."

Posted on 2019-03-14T06:13:28+0000