
Driverless Hotel Rooms: The End of Uber, Airbnb and Human Landlords

How driverless vehicles can enable ondemand accommodation for one night or 1000, and at rates 10x cheaper than your rent bill

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Hasnain says:

I definitely judged this harshly from the title - and the first section piqued my interest but it still wasn't clear whether I should pursue it more.

The article talks about the decline of car manufacturing, and how self driving cars will revolutionize the world. The author takes it one step further though and talks about how we can rethink how living spaces work, imagining tall skyscrapers with adjustable rooms.

While I'm all for the futuristic viewpoint, I'm a little cautious because it seems like this might perpetuate inequality still - we still have the capacity to build skyscrapers as it stands, and there are other downsides to society/culture that I don't see being addressed by this.

Posted on 2019-01-17T06:35:32+0000