
An atheist Muslim on what the left and right get wrong about Islam

"The left is wrong on Islam. The right is wrong on Muslims." — author Ali Rizvi

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Hasnain says:

This article gave me a lot of food for thought about current political discourse.

"I think the left has a blind spot when it comes to Islam and the right has a blind spot when it comes to Muslims. When Christian fundamentalists like Pat Robertson say something that's homophobic or misogynistic, people on the left descend on them like a ton of bricks. They’re very comfortable with criticizing and satirizing fundamentalist Christianity. But when it comes to Islam, which has many of the same homophobic and misogynistic teachings, they throw their hands up, back off, and say, whoa, hold on, we must respect their religion and culture."

Posted on 2017-08-08T19:40:45+0000