
Inside the world of Silicon Valley's 'coasters' — the millionaire engineers who get paid gobs of money and barely work

We talked to engineers in Silicon Valley's "rest and vest" world, who explained how they got these gigs and how they spend their days.

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Hasnain says:

""Their Facebook stock quadruples and they don't leave. They are really good engineers, really indispensable. And then they start to pull 9-5 days," this person said.""

"A former Google manager who recently left the company agreed. "There are a lot 'coasters' who reached a certain level and don't want to work any harder. They just do a 9-5 job, won't work to get promoted, don't want to get promoted. If their department doesn't like them, after a year or two they move somewhere else," she said."

What the heck is wrong with doing the job you're paid to do? Since when was working 9-5 "slacking"?

Posted on 2017-08-06T20:38:12+0000