
Yes, There IS a Doctor on The Plane. What I Learned at 30,000 Feet. - FemInEM

I am sharing this account of a serious medical emergency on a transoceanic flight because I hope it helps other health care providers assist people in the future and learn from the difficulties I encountered. About 8 1/2 hours into...

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Hasnain says:

"As the remainder of the fluids infused, I checked the medical kit for additional contents. There were no aspirin, no nitroglycerin, no masks, no body fluid cleanup supplies, no airways. There was a vial of epinephrine and D50. All of these items are required by the FAA for flights >35 people."

This is scary. That plus the attendant who was clearly just getting in the way and risking the patient's life

Posted on 2016-09-04T07:51:55+0000