
Computer Science Reveals Exactly How To Organize Your Closet

Step aside, Martha Stewart: It's time to get your closet and piles of paper organized! Computer science can help.

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Hasnain says:

Pretty good read on real world caching. Probably won't be able to get away with the pile of clothes though...

"In short, the mathematics of self-organizing lists suggests something radical: the big pile of papers on your desk, far from being a guilt-inducing fester of chaos, is actually one of the most well-designed and efficient structures available. What might appear to others to be an unorganized mess is, in fact, a self-organizing mess. Tossing things back on the top of the pile is the very best you can do, shy of knowing the future. You don’t need to organize that unsorted pile of paper.

You already have."

Posted on 2016-04-22T07:58:53+0000