
The Rent-Seeking Is Too Damn High

This is In Real Terms, a new column analyzing the week in economic news. We’re still experimenting with the format, so tell us what you think. Email me or drop a note in the comments. And thank you…

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Hasnain says:

"A new poll from the Pew Research Center released Thursday gives some more perspective on voters’ anxieties. Nearly half of those polled said their family incomes aren’t keeping up with the cost of living; among those identifying as lower class, two-thirds said their incomes weren’t keeping up. And despite the improving job market — the latest jobs numbers will be released this morning — 58 percent of middle-class respondents said good jobs are difficult to find. (Among the lower class, 73 percent said this.)"

Posted on 2016-02-08T03:38:00+0000