
It’s Shockingly Easy to Get Scammed on Venmo

Kyle didn’t think twice about the buyer’s request. It was mid-June, and he had posted four tickets to Game Four of the NBA Finals on Craigslist. When the buyer, Michael, said he preferred to pay the $4,800 through Venmo, Kyle wasn’t bothered. He had only recently signed up for the...

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Hasnain says:

"Finally on Jan. 22, from Eran Kimchi, Venmo’s head of fraud, whom Movassaghi emailed directly in a final attempt to recover his money and alert the company to what he saw as a dangerous and pervasive scam: “Venmo has a complete understanding of the scam plot you fell victim to … there is nothing Venmo can do to comfort you. … You made an innocent mistake, and you paid for it.”"


Posted on 2015-09-17T19:44:39+0000