
A father’s scars: For Va.’s Creigh Deeds, tragedy brings unending questions

Almost a year ago, Creigh Deeds’s mentally ill son attacked him with a knife before committing suicide. Now the Virginia state senator struggles with unending what-ifs.

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Hasnain says:

This is a really moving story about mental illness.

"“I’ll have these questions for the rest of my life,” he says, and begins asking them again. Did Gus want to kill him? Did he know his father loved him? Did he hear him? Is that why he stopped? The questions keep coming, even though by now he has realized the inescapable answer.

“I’m never really going to know,” he says, and once more he is driving, music on, window down, and winding through the woods."

Posted on 2014-11-02T04:09:03+0000