
Why I Never Hire Brilliant Men - Wikisource, the free online library

SITTING in my office last week, facing the man whom I had just fired, I thought of the contrast between that interview and our first one, nearly two years ago! Then he did almost all the talking, while I listened with eager interest. Last week it was I who talked, while he sulked like a petulant chi...

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Hasnain says:

This is an excellent piece of writing and has some good advice (though some parts need to be taken with a grain of salt, as it's slightly dated).

"In that blunt answer lies the substance of my experience, and what I believe to be the real secret of business achievement. So sure am I of the soundness of this philosophy that I have five very simple rules for hiring men, which are the outgrowth of it! ......

4. Does he finish what he starts? Geniuses almost never do. I look very critically into little things respecting the men I hire; the details of their dress, their handwriting, their record of tying up a job and leaving no loose ends. The biggest men of my acquaintance in business are "detail men" to an amazing degree. Often the president of a company is the only man in it who knows the little things about every department."

Posted on 2014-03-20T21:29:33+0000