"Computer says guilty" - an introduction to the evidential presumption that computers are operating correctly
The first in a series of posts on the Post Office Horizon prosecutions scandal
Hasnain says:
“This means that a court can be satisfied that a relevant fact can be established just by computer records, unless there is evidence that the computer is not working properly.
And so when the computer record shows, for instance, a financial shortfall by postmaster or postmistress, the court will accept that as evidence of an actual shortfall - unless the defendant can show that the computer was not operating correctly.
In short, when the computer record is the essence of a prosecution case: computer says guilty.”
Posted on 2023-10-01T05:58:34+0000
Java 21's pattern matching could actually convince me to touch Java again
Algebraic data types in Java.
Hasnain says:
Looking forward to the next post! Learnt a lot about Java from this one.
“In this article, we’ve looked at a bunch of things that Java 21 allows us to do (I haven’t covered certain things like how generics interact with switch patterns, however). In the next one, I’ll show you some interesting quirks and a few practical examples of how we can leverage these functional building blocks to improve how we write Java code.”
Posted on 2023-09-28T03:40:23+0000
Typical Programmer
In the old days when I started programming, green programmers trying to build their skills and get experience started out doing maintenance programming. Only the old hands got to write new code. The newbies cut their teeth debugging and fixing musty old code that still worked for the business. I’v...
Hasnain says:
Great read. From 2011 but still holds up and I found myself nodding along.
“Software often stays in use longer than anyone expected when it was written — until recently I supported a law office billing system that was written in 1986 using OMNIS 3 and wouldn’t run on any Macintosh newer than an SE/30. Clients who depend on legacy systems will pay plenty to keep those systems running, because they can’t risk their business on new software, and they can’t afford to fund new software development and the subsequent data migration and training. There’s a rich vein of maintenance work out there that most programmers turn up their noses at, preferring ground-up development projects that neither they nor their client are well-suited for.”
Posted on 2023-09-28T03:17:18+0000
The Handy Playing Cards That Taught 17th-Century Cooks to Carve Meat Like a Pro
The decks suggested proper technique, and were a path to class mobility.
Hasnain says:
“Each suit corresponds to a different type of meat. Feeling fishy? Deal the clubs to learn to how to gut a salmon or dismantle a lobster. The diamonds were for fowl, from duck to pheasant to pigeon (which shouldn’t be carved, but simply “cut through the middle from the rump to the neck”). The hearts featured “flesh of beats,” from the “Sir Loyn of Beef” to a haunch of venison—“begun to be cut near the buttock”—and a boars’ head, which “comes to the Table with its Snout standing upward and a sprig of Rosemary tuck[ed] in it.” Coney, or rabbit, was “most times brought to the Table with the Head off” and placed alongside the body. Instructions for carving “baked meats,” such as pies and pasties, were on the spades.”
Posted on 2023-09-28T03:10:28+0000
A journey into the shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma controversy - Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press is publishing a textbook I have co-edited with five colleagues, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Investigating the Abusive Head Trauma Controversy, by Findley et al. With contributions by 32 authors, this book provides a thorough analysis of an interdisciplinary subject lying at the....
Hasnain says:
Did not know this. This is super scary and eye opening.
“As underlined by Innocence Project cofounder Barry Scheck in the book’s foreword, it is essential that the public and all professionals involved in these cases comprehend the forensic unreliability of determinations of SBS/AHT. That does not mean that suspicions of child abuse shouldn’t be reported, that cases of children with unexplained traumatic injuries shouldn’t be investigated, that intentional head trauma does not occur or does not cause severe injuries. However, healthcare professionals should recognize that child abuse is a legal determination, not a medical one. While physicians have a duty to report suspicions of child abuse, asserting the “certainty” of a hypothesis without disclosing to the courts the unreliability of its scientific foundations is unethical and unacceptable.”
Posted on 2023-09-27T20:17:57+0000
SQLite insert speed
A little-discussed method enables inserting rows with bound data into SQLite faster than any existing technique. This novel method is then discovered to have a drawback that makes it generally unusable. The rest of this article explores how to get the best insert performance out of SQLite generally;...
Hasnain says:
Some great benchmarking and database insights here.
“Insert speed games are revealing of database performance characteristics, but are themselves impractical. The fastest tests all involve insertion into unindexed tables. As soon as indexes are applied, their costs dominate.
Rapidly inserting millions of unindexed rows is only useful when later read sequentially, perhaps as part of a data pipeline. A SQLite format does add some conveniences for this role, but if you are trying to emit rows as fast as possible, consider the database only sinks integer rows at a rate of about 40 MiB/s; In comparison the same computer's unremarkable SSD has a sustained write rate of 454 MiB/s for regular files.”
[P2O Vancouver 2023] SharePoint Pre-Auth RCE chain (CVE-2023–29357 & CVE-2023–24955)
Brief I may have achieved successful exploitation of a SharePoint target during Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023. While the live demonstration lasted only approximately 30 seconds, it is noteworthy that the process of discovering and crafting the exploit chain consumed nearly a year of meticulous effort and r...
Hasnain says:
alg=none strikes again.
“Chaining the two bugs together, an unauthenticated attacker is able to achieve remote code execution (RCE) on the target SharePoint server. 😁.”
Posted on 2023-09-25T19:47:54+0000
Ex-workers allege TikTok’s owner retaliated after racism complaints
Two Black ex-employees allege in a new Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charge that their managers retaliated against them after they complained about racism.
Hasnain says:
No words
“Later, Matima alleges she learned from a colleague that she was commonly referred to by managers as a “black snake” and that her direct supervisor said that “black snake” was the “spirit animal” that he associated with her.
“I can’t stress enough how dehumanizing it was to learn of that,” she said in an interview.
After Matima formally complained again about discrimination from her manager, ByteDance earlier this year let both Matima and her supervisor go, according to the complaint. The company told her she was being fired for poor performance, according to the complaint.”
Posted on 2023-09-24T17:22:04+0000
My solopreneur story: zero to $45K/mo in 2 years
Today is exactly 2 years since I quit my job and become a full-time indie hacker.
Hasnain says:
“In the first few months after quitting my job, I worked a lot. Probably 12 hours a day, or even 16 hours/day if you also count Twitter as “work”.
So when I reached $4K MRR, a decent amount considering my living cost in Vietnam, I started to slow down.
I still want to get more revenue, but I realized that this is a moving goalpost, and it will never stop. $10K, then $20K, then $50K. I knew I would never satisfied.
It’s much better to work and play at the same time.
So I traveled. I went for a trip around Vietnam.”
Posted on 2023-09-23T22:11:55+0000
It's okay to Make Something Nobody Wants
Products seem to be made for users, but I think this might be an illusion; they are more like a medium for self-expression. Different expressions, conceived by various minds, undergo a form of natural selection, with the surviving expression being the one that resonates most with users. I mean, the....
Hasnain says:
“Later, when talking with my girlfriend about this, I suddenly understood Steve Jobs, and others like him, much more deeply.
People often complained about Jobs: when his team showed him their work, he would say “It doesn’t feel right,” and when they asked how to fix it, he said “I don’t know, make it better and show me again, and then I’ll know.”
This confused a lot of people. He found problems but didn’t know how to fix them or why they were problems.
Now, I totally get where Jobs was coming from.”
Posted on 2023-09-23T22:04:23+0000