
Hasnain says:

This was a lot of fun to read and play around with

"This works as expected, everybody survives with a very low average QoL of 3. This one last constraint counteract nearly all capitalist constraints we added since the beginning. It prevents people from over consuming, even though we made public servants numerous and quite rich in the process. This is a communist dream."

Posted on 2023-10-15T04:51:46+0000


Hasnain says:

This piece is much less emotional than a lot of others I’ve seen (emotions are totally warranted though). Which makes the fact that it still makes a strong compelling argument even more important. I wish for peace and hope world leaders (especially in the US) urge it.

“And the potential gains—beyond satisfying demands for revenge—are remarkably low. Not since the American invasion of Iraq has there been such clarity in advance about the fiasco to come.

Nor have the moral issues been so clear. There is no question that Hamas committed grave war crimes in its brutal attacks on Israeli citizens, and it should be held accountable. But there is also no question that the collective punishment of Gaza, through blockades and bombing and the forced displacement of its population, represents grave war crimes. Here, too, there should be accountability—or, better yet, respect for international law.”

Posted on 2023-10-15T01:17:18+0000


Lago Blog - The 4 biggest problems with homemade billing systems

If you're considering building a homemade billing system for your SaaS company, there are a few things you should be aware of. In this article, Qonto's first billing engineer shares four lessons he learned while working on this project.

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Hasnain says:

"At Qonto, the billing project was supposed to be completed by a single backend engineer in only two months. One year later, two backend engineers were still working on it full time.

Then the team of two backend engineers grew into a team of 20 people, including product managers, backend engineers and frontend engineers as well. Hiring, onboarding and retaining people to take care of our billing system was a constant challenge. They would have preferred to work on our core product, and our management team also wanted to downsize the team."

Posted on 2023-10-14T03:52:27+0000


Leaked Emails Warn U.S. Diplomats Against Calling For ‘De-Escalation’ In Gaza

As Israel escalates its offensive, U.S. diplomats are being discouraged from publicly using three phrases that would urge calm.

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Hasnain says:

I’ve been seeing a lot of news lately and it’s so depressing. I wonder how history will judge everyone’s actions (or lack there of) in this moment.

“In messages circulated on Friday, State Department staff wrote that high-level officials do not want press materials to include three specific phrases: “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed” and “restoring calm”

Posted on 2023-10-13T16:54:03+0000


Hasnain says:

How is this not illegal?

“The leaked documents show what customer service reps are being trained to tell users. Instead of saying the price is going up, reps will say, "We are not raising the price of any of our plans; we are moving you to a newer plan with more benefits at a different cost." That's the talking point customer service reps are supposed to use if a customer mentions that they saw commercials "about how T-Mobile won't raise the price of my plan."

Customers will be switched to a newer plan if they're on any of the following packages offered in previous years: Simple Choice/Select Choice, Magenta, Magenta 55, ONE Plan, and Simple Choice Business.”

Posted on 2023-10-13T04:11:43+0000


Can't Be F*cked: Underrated Cause of Tech Debt

Can’t Be Fucked Aussie slang for not wanting to, or not having the energy and motivation to do something. “Man, i really can’t be fucked changing the channel, let’s just watch Springer.” - Urban Dictionary

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Hasnain says:

“Whether it’s at work or in my open source travels, I routinely come across developers who are the real deal: they’re conscientious and judicious in an unwavering way. They set a standard for themselves and do not compromise on it. Whether that’s a deliberate thing or whether they’re just built that way, it’s humbling to witness. If there’s a flaky test, they investigate it and fix it. If there’s a bug they spot in the wild, they make a ticket, and maybe even fix it then-and-there. If a new feature doesn’t gel well with the existing code, they refactor the code first rather than hacking the feature in. They’ll dive as far down the stack as necessary to get to the bottom of something. None of these things are necessary but great developers know that if they don’t address a problem early, and properly, it will only cost them more time in the long run.”

Posted on 2023-10-13T04:00:56+0000


Echoes of Electromagnetism Found in Number Theory | Quanta Magazine

A new magnum opus posits the existence of a hidden mathematical link akin to the connection between electricity and magnetism.

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Hasnain says:

“Still, Ben-Zvi planned to use his 2018 sabbatical visit to the IAS for research squarely on the geometric side of the Langlands program. His plan was disrupted when he went to listen to a talk by Venkatesh.

“My son and Akshay’s daughter were playmates, and we were friends socially, and I thought I should go to some of the talks Akshay gave at the beginning of the semester,” Ben-Zvi said.”

Posted on 2023-10-13T03:56:39+0000


Hasnain says:

Yay open source.

“Looking back at what got us to this point, it seems that almost every single thing we did in running this contest so far has been load-bearing. We’re not quite sure what to make of this! Perhaps that progress is more fragile and success is more contingent than it often seems in retrospect.”

Posted on 2023-10-13T03:45:34+0000


Scrollbars are becoming a problem

Scrollbars. Ever heard of them? They’re pretty cool. Click and drag on a scrollbar and you can move content around in a scrollable content pane. I love that shit. Every day I am scrolling on my computer, all day long. But the scrollbars are getting smaller and this is increasingly becoming a probl...

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Hasnain says:

I hate this hostile design. I hit this myself in a webapp the other day where I couldn’t scroll right on a wide table because chrome doesn’t show the scroll bar unless you’re already scrolling… until someone taught me shift + scroll wheel scrolls right on a Mac. Just give me a scroll bar!

““The simple fact that these skinny scroll bars exist are evidence that designers do not sit with non technical users to conduct usability testing. Because if they did that they would immediately discover the problem.

People with dexterity and hand control challenges have a difficult time with these skinny scroll bars.

People with eye sight challenges suffer with these skinny scroll bars.””

Posted on 2023-10-13T03:37:15+0000


The acute suicide crisis among veterinarians: 'You're always going to be failing somebody'

Suicide rates among veterinarians are staggering. The crisis is dire – but there may be hope in sight.

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Hasnain says:

“But that reality of the job can also colour the way veterinarians view human lives – including their own – and for those already experiencing suicidal ideation, it can provide a simple justification: death is preferable to suffering. In a 2021 survey by pharmaceutical company Merck, 12.5% of the veterinarians surveyed said they were "suffering". And nearly half of the respondents were not receiving mental health care.

"There's an idea that veterinarians work on the belief that it's right to euthanise a hopeless case," says Volk, "and we are seeing ourselves, emotionally, as hopeless cases."

Death is a routine and repeated part of the job, and while it's never easy to end a life, Volk adds that it is easy to start seeing it as an option to alleviate their own distress.”

Posted on 2023-10-12T03:24:33+0000