
Seven Cubed Project

Starting November 20th, seven UW coders will enter an office stocked with food, energy drinks, and beanbag chairs, to try and write an app a day for seven days. This is going to be fun.

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Pin Dancing: Stuck in Code

Hi,its an awesome tutorial. In India managerial is ****** up.. Everyone wants to delegate the working responsiblity to so called "DEVELOPER", but at the time of recognition it is the ***** up Manager, who receives the award. and in bad times,manager puts the Developer in the Front, "he has done the

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Cracking Passwords In The Cloud: Amazon’s New EC2 GPU Instances

As of today, Amazon EC2 is providing what they call "Cluster GPU Instances": An instance in the Amazon cloud that provides you with the power of two NVIDIA Tesla “Fermi” M2050 GPUs. The exact specifications look like this:

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Amazon Web Services Blog: New EC2 Instance Type - The Cluster GPU Instance

If you have a mid-range or high-end video card in your desktop PC, it probably contains a specialized processor called a GPU or Graphics Processing Unit. The instruction set and memory architecture of a GPU are designed to handle the...

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: TSA encounter at SAN

Rosa Parks would be proud. The time has come for all good men and women to come to the aid of the party of individual liberty. I am proud of you. When and if I ever am forced to subject myself to this tyranny of bureaucratic klepto- sociopaths I am going to dress in little more than a speedo and tho

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The Day US Customs Found A Bullet In My Pocket | Wandering Earl

On the flight from Delhi to Washington D.C., I spent a good two hours staring at the customs form that I was required to fill out. I had completed every

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Well, today was the day

My name is Michael Roberts, and I am a pilot for ExpressJet Airlines, Inc., based in Houston (that is, I still am for the time being). This morning as I attempted to pass through the security line for my commute to work I was denied access to the secured area of the terminal building at Memphis Inte...

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Hasnain says:

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin.

Apply that to this story...

Posted on 2010-10-18T21:46:12+0000


Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Monday Master Class: How to Solve Hard Problem Sets Without Staying.

Last weekend, I sat down for a cup of coffee with Jake from College Chronicles fame. We were discussing a computer science course that was giving him trouble. The problem sets, as is often the case, were killer.

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Bizarre sea slug is half plant, half animal | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Scientists discover chlorophyll-producing sea slug that can carry out photosynthesis using genes swiped from plants.

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