Google Introduces Facebook Competitor, Emphasizing Privacy
The new service is intended for sharing with small groups, instead of all of one’s friends or the entire Web.
Hasnain says:
Time to switch over, just for the circles feature:
Circles: Google has come up with the concept of circles — you can create a circle of contacts that are family, friends, work friends, former co-workers and so on. With these groups or circles you can define who gets to see what kind of updates. Facebook currently doesn’t offer the ability to control who sees what goes in our life that we share online.
Posted on 2011-06-28T17:54:20+0000
Q&A: Meet the 15-year-old who just sold his tech startup - GeekWire
Our guest on the latest GeekWire Podcast was Daniil Kulchenko, the 15-year-old sophomore from Kenmore, north of Seattle, who last week announced the sale of his cloud-computing startup, Phenona, to Vancouver, B.C.-based ActiveState.
Bad passenger, bad! -
Ah, the glamorous life of the flight attendant, where you get punched, kicked and defecated upon.
Hasnain says:
This is just crazy. First time I've heard of someone taking a dump in flight (and I don't mean in the toilet)
Posted on 2011-06-21T19:55:05+0000
Hasnain says:
Interesting distributed systems stuff. Makes me want to intern there.
Posted on 2011-06-19T21:55:30+0000
The Most Highly Cited Paper in Publishing History: Protein Determination by Oliver H. Lowry
Protein Measurement with the Folin Phenol Reagent (Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L., and Randall, R. J. (1951) J. Biol. Chem.193, 265–275)
Hasnain says:
"As of January 2004, it was cited 275,669 times."
that's just insane.
Hackers steal quantum code
Unseen eavesdropper makes perfect copy of secret key
Hasnain says:
Really nice read on an exploit that affects current quantum key exchange schemes.
Posted on 2011-06-18T18:23:58+0000
Clay Shirky on The Cognitive Surplus | Bruce's Blog
This blog post was written by Clay Shirky and can be found here. Do yourself a favour and read it and then start thinking about how you can apply your cognitive surplus. Maybe you can change a little (or a big) piece of your world!
WAR! Zynga Sues The Hell Out Of Brazilian Clone Vostu
Hasnain says:
Interesting to see a company that made its money by copying off others now have to resort to suing companies that are copying it.
Posted on 2011-06-16T22:12:57+0000
Lewin gives final lecture In emotional goodbye, physics prof. wows 26-100 - The Tech
With a crown of tousled grey hair on his head, a shroud of rainbow-stripes on his shoulders, and a large plastic fuchsia ring twisting around his left middle finger, legendary physics professor Walter H. G. Lewin set down his piece of dull yellow chalk for the last time, marking the completion of hi
Hasnain has not yet written a summary for this.
Posted on 2011-06-15T12:16:23+0000
The Veiled Muslim Bogeygirl - Bikya Masr
I understand that “we’re” very much a novelty here. And I understand that our presence here is extremely important to break the stereotypes, misconceptions, prejudices, etc etc against veiled women. I am extremely grateful to the Anna Lindh Foundation for granting me the amazing opportunity of