

Minimal Mac | TV Is Broken

Recently, while on vacation in New Orleans for Mardi Gras and visiting family, we stayed at my sister’s house. She was kind enough to let us have her place while she found accommodations elsewhere. She moved in to this place herself not too long ago and was proud to point out to us the brand new, gi...

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John Nash’s Letter to the NSA

The National Security Agency (NSA) has recently declassified an amazing letter that John Nash sent to it in 1955. It seems that around the year 1950 Nash tried to interest some US security orga...

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Hasnain says:

"Now my general conjecture is as follows: for almost all sufficiently complex types of enciphering, especially where the instructions given by different portions of the key interact complexly with each other in the determination of their ultimate effects on the enciphering, the mean key computation length increases exponentially with the length of the key, or in other words, the information content of the key."

"The significance of this general conjecture, assuming its truth, is easy to see. It means that it is quite feasible to design ciphers that are effectively unbreakable. As ciphers become more sophisticated the game of cipher breaking by skilled teams, etc., should become a thing of the past."

So, John Nash essentially predicted the principles of modern cryptography two decades before it took off. Interesting...

Posted on 2012-02-21T20:10:42+0000




The End of Wall Street As They Knew It

After surprisingly successful financial reform, public vilification, and politics that have turned against them, the Masters of the Universe are masters no longer.

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Hasnain says:

“If you’re a smart Ph.D. from MIT, you’d never go to Wall Street now,” says a hedge-fund executive. “You’d go to Silicon Valley. There’s at least a prospect for a huge gain. You’d have the potential to be the next Mark Zuckerberg. It looks like he has a lot more fun.”

Posted on 2012-02-13T07:36:10+0000



TechCrunch | Instagram Founder’s Girlfriend Learns How To Code For V-Day, Builds Lovestagram

This might just be the sweetest Valentine's Day story I've ever heard. It's definitely the sweetest Valentine's Day story I've ever written. Kaitlyn Trigger is a marketing director at She also happens to be Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger's girlfriend of two and a half years (The 26 ...

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Laurence Tratt: Fast Enough VMs in Fast Enough Time

This need for a corresponding language implementation leads to what I think of as the language designer's dilemma: how much implementation is needed to show that a language design is good?

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