A Pacemaker Wrecks a Family's Life - NYTimes.com
How putting in a pacemaker wrecked a family’s life.
You're Doing It Wrong - ACM Queue
Improving the performance of complex software is difficult, but understanding some fundamental principles can make it easier.
The Last Question
The Square Root of NOT » American Scientist
Digital computers are built out of circuits that have definite, discrete states: on or off, zero or one, high voltage or low voltage. Engineers go to great lengths to make sure these circuits never settle into some intermediate condition. Quantum-mechanical systems, as it happens, offer a guarantee…
Haskell Propaganda: OOP programming couples code and data together in unnatural ways. Typeclasses are a better way of structuring logic.
Hasnain says:
"What I wish I knew when Learning Haskell".
Slide 36 does it for me:
Questions we ask when studying category theory
Why am I still single?
Posted on 2013-04-14T12:51:27+0000
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: Zerocoin: making Bitcoin anonymous
Click to view the original at blog.cryptographyengineering.com
OMG Ponies!!! (Aka Humanity: Epic Fail) - Jon Skeet: Coding Blog
MVP's worldwide
The Tyranny of the Taxi Medallions
The life of a taxi driver is hard. When cabbies start a shift, they owe about $100 to their company as payment just for the opportunity drive a taxi. They might not break even until halfway through...
learnfun and playfun: A general technique for automating NES games
Video, research paper, and software for learning how to play NES games and then automatically playing them.
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