Nations Buying as Hackers Sell Computer Flaws
Governments pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn about and exploit flaws in the computer systems of foreign adversaries.
Hasnain says:
It's interesting how people used to just find vulnerabilities as a hobby and report them for free (and get maybe a T-shirt in return); and now they go for hundreds of thousands or even millions.
Posted on 2013-07-14T19:06:53+0000
Special Deal
The shadowy cartel of doctors that controls Medicare.
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Posted on 2013-07-14T19:05:42+0000
Chinese Citizens on Tour in Europe
Online version of the weekly magazine, with current articles, cartoons, blogs, audio, video, slide shows, an archive of articles and abstracts back to 1925
When Italians Chat, Hands and Fingers Do the Talking
Gesticulating is a vital part of communication in Italy, where about 250 gestures are used regularly and studied by scientists and philosophers.
Hasnain has not yet written a summary for this.
Posted on 2013-07-01T20:25:46+0000
Germans Loved Obama. Now We Don’t Trust Him.
Germans don’t take kindly to state surveillance.
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Posted on 2013-07-01T09:34:18+0000 Friday Q&A 2013-06-28: Anatomy of a Compiler Bug
Some people have a favorite color or a favorite food. It may come as no surprise that I have a favorite compiler bug. Today, I'm going to demonstrate it and pick it apart, a topic suggested by reader Daniel Jalkut.
The IIT Entrance Exam
This is the story of India's Joint Entrance Examination, the yearly attempt to pick out the ten thousand most intelligent students in a country of 1.2 billion people.
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Posted on 2013-06-28T12:02:34+0000
Photos: Inside An Illegal Party In An Abandoned Subway Station Deep Under NYC
At a quarter to midnight on Friday I spotted the man with a wire coming out of his ear and a giant flower on his lapel.
Hasnain says:
Posted on 2013-06-27T13:50:47+0000
Hasnain says:
I think every one needs to read this. It's from 1993, but still quite relevant to (undergrad) education in most countries.
Posted on 2013-06-27T12:46:19+0000
A Daddy's Letter to His Little Girl (About Her Future Husband)
Dear Cutie-Pie, Recently, your mother and I were searching for an answer on Google. Halfway through entering the question, Google returned a list of the most popular searches in the world. Perched ...
Hasnain has not yet written a summary for this.
Posted on 2013-06-19T12:17:03+0000