6.8 GTFOSenders indicate a General Termination of Future Operations by sending a GTFO frame... - Hyp
This specification describes an optimized expression of the syntax of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). HTTP/2 enables a more efficient use of network resources and a reduced perception of latency by introducing header field compression and allowing multiple concurrent messages on the same con...
Results of the Grand C++ Error Explosion Competition
After much deliberation, the winners of the Grand C++ Error Explosion Competition are finally selected. There are two different award categories. The winners of the first category are those...
3 Enemas Later, Still No Drugs
Inequality in America is much more than just an income issue. It’s also about our dignity and access to justice.
Hasnain says:
"“Nothing was found inside of Mr. Eckert,” the police report notes. So after he woke up, he was released — after 13 hours, two rectal exams, three enemas, two X-rays and a colonoscopy.
The hospital ended up billing Eckert $6,000"
Posted on 2014-01-26T18:40:55+0000
Glitch Is Causing Thousands Of Emails To Be Sent To One Man’s Hotmail Account | TechCrunch
David S. Peck is getting a lot of emails. In a glitch possibly related to the massive Gmail outage underway right now, there's an odd bug in Google search..
We are the Google Site Reliability Engineering team. Ask us Anything! : IAmA
Hello, reddit! We are the Google Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team. Our [previous AMA](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/177267/we_are_the_...
Hasnain says:
So I just found out that this AMA was posted at almost exactly the same time that GMail went down ...
Posted on 2014-01-24T20:10:35+0000
UK porn filter blocks League of Legends update for 'sex' in file name
League of Legends is a game inspired by the Defense of the Ancients map for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne developed and published by Riot Games.
Google patents ad-powered taxi service that would offer free rides to shoppers
Advertisers would pay for your transportation in the hope that you buy something.
Stephen Hawking: 'There are no black holes'
Notion of an 'event horizon', from which nothing can escape, is incompatible with quantum theory, physicist claims.
Stripe: Capture the Flag
The mysterious programAt the heart of any distributed system is an undistributed one. You've recently become the Director of Big Data at Large Corpus Systems, Inc. It's your first week on the job, and you've just received an urgent alert that your data pipeline has ground to a halt. After some pains...
Love, Actuarially - Wired Science
Mathematician Chris McKinlay hacked OKCupid to find the girl of his dreams. Emily Shur Chris McKinlay was folded into a cramped fifth-floor cubicle in UCLA’s math sciences building, lit by a single bulb and the glow from his monitor. ...
Hasnain says:
"On that early morning in June 2012, his compiler crunching out machine code in one window, his forlorn dating profile sitting idle in the other, it dawned on him that he was doing it wrong. He’d been approaching online matchmaking like any other user. Instead, he realized, he should be dating like a mathematician."
Posted on 2014-01-22T04:44:29+0000