

Rethinking the Computer at 80

Dr. Neumann, an 80-year-old computer scientist at SRI International, is leading an effort to redesign computers and software from a “clean slate” to make them more secure.

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Hasnain says:

It's always good to step back, count my blessings, realize how good life is; and realize how lucky I am to have the chance to work in the same department as Dr. Neumann and other extremely smart and wise people.

Posted on 2012-11-03T04:35:45+0000



The Mysterious, Mutant, Civilizing Power of Milk

To repurpose a handy metaphor, let's call two of the first Homo sapiens Adam and Eve. By the time they welcomed their firstborn, that rascal Cain, into the world, 2 million centuries of evolution had established how his infancy would play out. For the first few years of his life,...

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2012 Startup School

Are you ahackerwho has thought about one day starting a startup? Have you already started it? Then you're invited to a free, one-day startup school this October 20 at Stanford. We'll have a range ofexpertsspeaking about startups from their own experience.

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Most functional

This program celebrates the close connection between obfuscation and conciseness, by implementing the most concise language known, Binary Lambda Calculus (BLC).

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Hasnain says:

So, not only did this guy win the international obfuscated C code contest; he won it by writing an interpreter for "implementing the most concise language known, Binary Lambda Calculus (BLC)". Need I say he's also the inventor of BLC?

Mind = blown.

Posted on 2012-10-18T03:57:59+0000


Why I Hired A Girl On Craigslist to Slap Me In The Face — And Why It Quadrupled My Productivity

Last week, I talked about the power of precommitment — I spoke of how Odysseus prevented himself from the temptation of the Sirens by tying himself to his ship mast. Precommitment is the most effective way to change behavior. Essentially, you make a promise—an irrevocable promise—to complete an acti...

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The Grok Project is an internal Google initiative to simplify the navigation and querying of very large program source repositories. We have designed and implemented a language-neutral, canonical representation for source code and compiler metadata. Our data production pipeline runs compiler cluster...

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Oh God, Bravo's Silicon Valley Show Looks Even Worse Than We Thought Ugh Why Help

If you watch the latest promo for Bravo's Silicon Valley reality show and think, hey these entrepreneurs failed actors are just stringing together tech buzzwords, it's because that's exactly what they're doing.

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