This New App Could've Prevented My Friend's Rape
In the age of Snapchat, Angry Birds, and Candy Crush, why did no one think of this sooner?
Hasnain says:
The title is linkbait-y, but the app looks interesting.
Posted on 2014-04-23T20:53:41+0000
you have ruined javascript
Rob Ashton's blog and various other things. Javascript, C#, testing, whatever.
Hasnain says:
"We had a good thing, you ruined it. We had an escape route from that ridiculous enterprise hand-holding bullshit and instead of learning how to fucking code you've just brought your factory provider providers with you into what was once an okay place to get stuff done."
Posted on 2014-04-23T17:12:27+0000
TDD is dead. Long live testing. (DHH)
Test-first fundamentalism is like abstinence-only sex ed: An unrealistic, ineffective morality campaign for self-loathing and shaming.It didn't start out like that. When I first discovered TDD, it was like a courteous invitation to a better world of writing software. A mind hack to get you going wit…
Don't Settle for Eventual Consistency - ACM Queue
Geo-replicated storage provides copies of the same data at multiple, geographically distinct locations. Facebook, for example, geo-replicates its data (profiles, friends lists, likes, etc.) to data centers on the east and west coasts of the United States, and in Europe. In each data center, a tier o…
Hasnain says:
This is well written and discusses an important design decision facing designers of distributed systems. 10/10 would read again.
Posted on 2014-04-23T17:03:05+0000
Your Friendly Neighborhood Drug Dealer
Working in America’s everyday black-market economy
Hasnain says:
"His views are less ambiguous when it comes to mandatory prison sentences. He spoke passionately about his friends who are serving time. “Jails are full of people for selling a plant that grows out of the ground—that 50 percent of people view as a medicine—that no one has managed to prove causes any harm whatsoever. Just seems crazy to me.”
“If you had a son, would you be okay with him doing this?” I asked.
“Probably not. If you get jammed up, you can become a convicted felon and that damns you to do it for the rest of your life, because you won’t get anything but a $7.50 an hour job—if that. You give somebody a felony record for life, what did you accomplish? You’ve just created a lower-class idiot that has to commit more crimes to survive.”"
Posted on 2014-04-23T17:02:22+0000
the main LibreSSL page
Game Programming Patterns
If you see a mistake, find something unclear, or have a suggestion, please file a ticket. To know when new chapters are up, join the mailing list:
Hasnain says:
This book is finally completed. A really good resource for game programmers.
Posted on 2014-04-23T16:58:12+0000
Do Men Suck at Friendship?
The key to a long, healthy life is not exercise or diet. It's strong social connections – in other words, friends. The problem: Research shows that men suck at friendship.
What you’d need to make in every county in America to afford a decent one-bedroom
The federal minimum wage doesn't cover fair market rent anywhere in the United States.
The Quest for Randomness » American Scientist
For example, suppose we were interested in the randomness of the following sequence: 314159265358979323846264338327950288419716...
Hasnain says:
Reasons you should read this article:
1. It's a great perspective on randomness
2. It's by Scott Aaronson.
3. Refer to 2.