Videogrep: Automatic Supercuts with Python
Videogrep is a python script that searches through dialog in videos and then cuts together a new video based on what it finds. Basically, it's a command-line "supercut" generator. The code is here ...
Free Music Streaming & Downloads with Simple Choice Plans | T-Mobile
Stream music from leading services like Rhapsody and it won’t count towards your 4G LTE data plan. Free lifetime Rhapsody music and more.
The Board Game of the Alpha Nerds
Before Risk, before Dungeons & Dragons, before Magic: The Gathering, there was Diplomacy. One writer enters international competition to play the world-conquering game that redefines what it me...
Thousands of secret keys found in Android apps - CNET
Even among the top apps found on Google Play, researchers have found a crucial security flaw that could compromise user data.
Cap'n Proto: Cap'n Proto, FlatBuffers, and SBE
Yesterday, some engineers at Google released FlatBuffers, a new serialization protocol and library with similar design principles to Cap’n Proto. Also, a few months back, Real Logic released Simple Binary Encoding, another protocol and library of this nature.
No Money, No Time
The poor are under a deadline that never lifts.
How to Fold a Julia Fractal —
These imaginary numbers?called complex numbers when combined with our ordinary real numbers?are
What if Quality Journalism Isn't?
By now you have probably already read the leaked Innovation Report from The New York Times. And if you haven't, you should. It provides a great overview of the challenges and thinking that are happening in the industry, not just for The New York Times, but for every newspaper and magazine.
Starbucks to Provide Free College Education to Thousands of Workers
Through an unusual arrangement with Arizona State University, the company will pay for its workers to earn college degrees.
httpie - HTTPie is a command line HTTP client — a human-friendly cURL replacement.