Gogs: Go Git Service
Gogs(Go Git Service) is a GitHub-like clone in the Go Programming Language
Hasnain says:
gogs is insanely easy to set up; I just decided to self host most of my code.
Posted on 2014-08-26T04:54:48+0000
Around 2006, my friend Dan Christensen created a fascinating picture of all the roots of all polynomials of degree ≤ 5 with integer coefficients ranging from -4 to 4:
gogs - Gogs(Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git Service written in Go.
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
Hasnain says:
"Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website are pleased to present this online edition of The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Now, anyone with internet access and a web browser can enjoy reading a high quality up-to-date copy of Feynman's legendary lectures."
Posted on 2014-08-25T20:33:31+0000
Catch - A modern, C++-native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
How did the Napa earthquake affect sleep?
The Napa Earthquake was the strongest to hit Northern California in 25 years. See how it impacted the sleep of UP wearers in the Bay Area.
Hasnain says:
An analysis showing how people woke up during the earthquake.
Posted on 2014-08-25T20:29:05+0000
Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.
Hasnain says:
Amazon buys twitch for over a billion.
I'm just so happy it's not being bought by google.
Posted on 2014-08-25T20:24:05+0000
GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall Tool
GlassWire is a free network security monitoring tool and analyzer that visualizes your network activity on an easy to use graph, alerts you of possible threats, manages your firewall, and more.
The British Undercover Cop Who Went Too Far
In the eighties, an animal-rights activist fell in love with Bob Robinson and had his child. Years later, she learned that Bob Robinson was Bob Lambert, and Bob Lambert was a spy. Lauren Collins reports.
Hasnain says:
"The revelation of the extent of the British police’s spying, and the dubiousness of some of their tactics, caused a scandal that has yet to be resolved. Reporters and activists have confirmed that at least nine police officers—including one woman—conducted sexual relationships with unsuspecting citizens during their undercover deployments. At least twelve women, including Jacqui, are suing the Metropolitan Police for deceit, assault, misfeasance in public office, and negligence. Those whose relationships began after 2000 are also bringing suit under the Human Rights Act, arguing that the Met’s “systemic abuse of female political activists” breached Articles 3 and 8, which forbid inhumane treatment and guarantee the right to private life. Jacqui has said that she feels as though she were “raped by the state.”"
Posted on 2014-08-20T00:28:22+0000
VisuAlgo - visualising data structures and algorithms through animation
VisuAlgo was conceptualised in 2011 by Dr Steven Halim as a tool to help his students better understand data structures and algorithms, by allowing them to learn the basics on their own and at their own pace. Together with some of his students from the National University of Singapore (see "Team"),…
Hasnain says:
These are absolutely amazing and really helpful for anyone looking to learn data structures and/or algorithms.
Posted on 2014-08-19T18:24:50+0000