

How Memorizing "$19.05" Can Help You Outsmart the MTA

We’ve all been there. The train is coming into the station, and you grab your MetroCard and quickly try and swipe it at a turnstile. "Please Swipe Again". "Please Swipe Again". "Insufficient...

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When Feces is the Best Medicine

Fecal transplants have been proven to successfully treat certain types of infection, but proponents of the treatment are still fighting what they say are unnecessarily strict regulations.

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AST matchers and Clang refactoring tools - Eli Bendersky's website

AST matchers and Clang refactoring tools July 29, 2014 at 20:22 Tags Compilation , LLVM & Clang Clang tooling sees lots of interest and development focus in the past few years. At last, we have a convenient, accurate, open-source and well supported framework for programmatically analyzing and refact…

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C++: Polymorphic cloning and the CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)

A common problem in C++ occurs when you have an object of an unknown derived type and want to make a copy of it. Consider the following code: You can't just use new Vehicle in this situation becaus...

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placeholder | Main allows you to find salaries paid by many companies. Unlike other websites, does not rely on self-reported salary data but uses the salary data of foreign workers in the US. This salary data must be reported to the Department of Labor and is available on their website.

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PG&E Fined $1.4B for Deadly 2010 Gas Line Blast

PG&E was hit with $1.4 billion in penalties by the California Public Utilities Commission Tuesday for safety violations related to the 2010 gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno.

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The Unexotic Underclass | The MIT Entrepreneurship Review

The startup scene today, and by ‘scene’ I’m sweeping a fairly catholic brush over a large swath of people – observers, critics, investors, entrepreneurs, ‘want’repreneurs, academics, techies, and the like – seems to be riven into two camps.

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Hasnain says:

This is over a year old but this is amazing.

"But there are only so many suit customisation, makeup sampling, music streaming, social eating, discount shopping, experience curating companies that the market can bear. If you’re itching to start something new, why chase the nth iteration of a company already serving the young, privileged, liberal jetsetter? If you’re an investor, why revisit the same space as everyone else? There is life, believe me, outside of NY, Cambridge, Chicago, Atlanta, Austin, L.A. and San Fran."

Posted on 2014-09-03T05:46:29+0000


New Web Order > Nik Cubrilovic - - » Notes on the Celebrity Data Theft

Notes on the Celebrity Data Theft Tuesday, September 2, 2014 An interesting aspect of information security is how periodically it collides with other industries and subcultures. With more information than ever being stored and shared online and on connected devices hacking stories are frequent and a…

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Hasnain says:

"There is no software that users will ever be able to install or upgrade that will make them secure. The responsibility is on both vendors and users. Users need to be aware of good password practices (unique passwords, long, passphrases) as well as the basics of anonymity and security."

Posted on 2014-09-02T23:09:01+0000