
Your Steak Would Taste Better if Grilled With Molten Lava

British designer duo Bompas & Parr, who designed the world’s first edible fireworks and are best known for their ambitious and sometimes monumental jelly-based sculptures, traveled to Syracuse, New York, this summer to try out their idea for the world’s most extreme barbecue session—grilling meat ov…

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Patching the Newton | Dadhacker

This one ends with me going into a Good Guys electronics store in a suburb of Boston, flashing my employee badge and saying “I’m from Apple. Take me to your Newtons.” I wanted to use a deep G-man voice, but I didn’t have the build for it. Also, I was wearing the slightly redonkulous khaki-pants and…

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Hasnain says:

"The Guy from Apple exits Good Guys, checks it off the list, and proceeds to the next store on his assignment. G-Man is surprised what we was able to do by flashing his Apple badge and adopting some bluster; just walk in, make some demands and start cracking open merchandise. That’s kind of disturbing, really."

This is a really great story about patching devices in the 90s. Also kind of worrying how easy it was/is to do social engineering.

Posted on 2014-08-04T03:19:56+0000


Critics Raise Concerns About Sovaldi

Critics have raised an outcry over Sovaldi, a hepatitis C drug heralded as a breakthrough but costing $84,000 for a typical person’s total treatment.

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— Localizing Papers, Please Papers, Please was...

Localizing Papers, Please Papers, Please was released on August 8th, 2013 without multilingual support. Even though it would’ve been great to support other languages besides English, I decided to push...

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Hitbox Team - Designing game narrative

Imagine one day you are struck with a flash of inspiration: freshly seared onto your mind is a story, one that is undoubtedly the greatest tale ever conceived by Man. It has all the elements of a great narrative: a gripping plot, nuanced characters, and an evocative setting.

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India’s Toilet Race Failing as Villages Don’t Use Them

Sunita’s family in the north Indian village of Mukimpur were given their first toilet in February, one of millions being installed by the government to combat disease. She can’t remember the last time anyone used it.

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Hasnain says:

"“The fact that India’s health administrators failed to spread mass awareness on diarrhea management speaks volumes of the inefficiency of previous programs,” he said in a written statement on July 28."

Posted on 2014-08-04T01:21:37+0000


Cloudy With a Chance of War - Issue 15: Turbulence - Nautilus

The burial detail, which had come for the corpses in the pigpen, was surprised. The “dead” were getting up and speaking English.…

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Hasnain says:

"War, Richardson taught us, can be as out of our control as a summer thunderstorm. The least we might do is check the forecast."

Posted on 2014-08-01T01:26:19+0000


Hasnain says:

I approve this thing - though, given the number of patents out there, it should probably be something like "stupid patent of the day"

Posted on 2014-07-31T23:52:58+0000


Game development in Clojure : Alchemy 7DRL post-mortem

Last week I joined the "7 Day Roguelike Challenge" and wrote the game Alchemy. The goals I set myself were. Complete a playable roguelike game in 7 days Learn more about Clojure! Share some of my e...

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