How a 19th Century Math Genius Taught Us The Best Way To Hold a Pizza Slice | Science Blogs | WIRED
Why does bending a pizza slice help you eat it? How does a mantis shrimp's punch use a Pringles chip? A surprising geometrical link between curvature and strength.
So Bill Gates Has This Idea for a History Class ...
Should one of the world’s richest men get to dictate the future of how we learn about our past?
Hasnain says:
"‘Most kids experience school as one damn course after another; there’s nothing to build connections between the courses that they take.’"
Posted on 2014-09-07T03:29:30+0000
Recommended Reading | The Homepage of @attrc
This page lists books that I have found to be highly relevant and useful for learning topics within computer security, digital forensics, incident response, malware analysis, and reverse engineering. These books range from introductory texts to advanced research works. While some of these books may…
[messaging] Modern anti-spam and E2E crypto
Hasnain says:
Brain dump on spam filtering, gmail, and how it all works. really interesting.
Posted on 2014-09-06T20:00:39+0000
P4P: If you want to start a startup, go work for someone else
Click to view the original at
How Memorizing "$19.05" Can Help You Outsmart the MTA
We’ve all been there. The train is coming into the station, and you grab your MetroCard and quickly try and swipe it at a turnstile. "Please Swipe Again". "Please Swipe Again". "Insufficient...
When Feces is the Best Medicine
Fecal transplants have been proven to successfully treat certain types of infection, but proponents of the treatment are still fighting what they say are unnecessarily strict regulations.
AST matchers and Clang refactoring tools - Eli Bendersky's website
AST matchers and Clang refactoring tools July 29, 2014 at 20:22 Tags Compilation , LLVM & Clang Clang tooling sees lots of interest and development focus in the past few years. At last, we have a convenient, accurate, open-source and well supported framework for programmatically analyzing and refact…
C++: Polymorphic cloning and the CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)
A common problem in C++ occurs when you have an object of an unknown derived type and want to make a copy of it. Consider the following code: You can't just use new Vehicle in this situation becaus...
Hasnain says:
TIL about the curiously recurring template pattern.
Posted on 2014-09-04T18:11:36+0000
Hasnain says:
"Effective GoF Patterns with C++11 and Boost".
A great set on design patterns and C++11
Posted on 2014-09-04T18:10:55+0000