
Intro to Haskell for Erlangers

RAM footprint per unit of concurrency (approx) General Purpose Constructors and record accessors become values Control flow Erlang's pattern matching allows non-linear patterns.

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Hasnain says:

This is a really good article on how to become more productive.

"I went through this when I went to id software. I had rationalized that John Carmack's success was just a factor of timing and luck since, hell, he was my age, and I was pretty smart, so what else could it be? Upon my arrival I had a crash course in humility, because he was way smarter than me and way more productive as well.

This took a while to sink in, because until then I was used to believing I was one of the better programmers at a company. And then working with Carmack I realized he was not just a little better, he was orders of magnitude better. And I couldn't dismiss it with a "But I write a lot of code" hand wave, because he also wrote like 80% of the Quake code base."

Posted on 2014-03-09T19:53:08+0000


Hasnain says:

"First: I don’t trust people in Silicon Valley to tell me what’s happening elsewhere in California, let alone what’s happening (or should be happening) in Africa. The steady stream of idiotic products that accompanies every sliver of innovation from the tech world is evidence enough of this. "

I don't necessarily agree with most of the article, but this part rings true.

Posted on 2014-03-09T19:31:00+0000



Malaysian Airlines lose contact with plane en route bound for Beijing– live

Malaysian Airlines says it lost contact with flight MH370 about two hours after it left Kuala Lumpur en route for Beijing

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Hasnain says:

It's sad that in this day and age we still rely on modes of transportation that can result in such catastrophic failure.

Posted on 2014-03-08T06:29:58+0000


How PowerPoint Is Ruining Higher Ed, Explained in One PowerPoint

SlateEducationGetting schooled.March 7 2014 8:15 AMPowerPointlessDigital slideshows are the scourge of higher education. By Rebecca Schuman REPRINTPRINTEMAIL '; $("#outbrain_placeholder").append(divHtml); } if (mobileMode()) { createOutbrainDivs("MB_1"); } else { createOutbrainDivs("AR_6"); createOu...

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Myths about /dev/urandom

Myths about /dev/urandom There are a few things about /dev/urandom and /dev/random that are repeated again and again. Still they are false. I'm mostly talking about reasonably recent Linux systems. A few remarks about FreeBSD or other systems may be found here and there. /dev/urandom is insecure. Al...

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How The Syrian Electronic Army Hacked Us: A Detailed Timeline

Early Thursday morning, a Forbes senior executive was woken up by a call from her assistant, saying that she'd be working from home due to a forecast predicting the snowiest day of the year. When she ended the call, the executive saw on her Blackberry that she had just received [...]

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Hasnain says:

"Obesity may have harmful effects on the brain, and exercise may counteract many of those negative effects, according to sophisticated new neurological experiments with mice, even when the animals do not lose much weight. While it’s impossible to know if human brains respond in precisely the same way to fat and physical activity, the findings offer one more reason to get out and exercise."

Posted on 2014-03-07T06:17:49+0000


Rereading the tea leaves in the Netflix-Comcast deal

<b>commentary</b> Commentators appear to have assumed the worst about Netflix's recently announced paid peering deal with Comcast. What's the real message in the deal? The Internet isn't broken. Read this article by Larry Downes on CNET News.

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