Doing Business In Japan | Kalzumeus Software
Hasnain says:
"The company is your public life. Have an issue with your landlord? The company will handle it, in those cases where the company is not your landlord. (“So let me get this straight: we’re going to pay our employees, and then they’re going to immediately hand 25% of their salary over to an apartment? Doesn’t this suggest an obvious inefficiency? We could just buy a building and house dozens of employees there — lower transaction costs plus economies of scale.” Many Japanese companies have done this math already, and company dorms are quite common, particularly for young, single employees.)"
Posted on 2014-11-12T04:55:58+0000
All Dressed Up For Mars and Nowhere to Go
Mars One claims that 200,000 people have signed up for a one-way mission to the red planet. But is any of it actually re…
Hasnain says:
“You would probably end up living like we did in the 18th century. With much simpler equipment, much simpler kitchen tools, much simpler things in all respects. It might be a lot like going back in time.”
Posted on 2014-11-12T04:54:55+0000
Why I love databases
Last year I worked with various databases at Square. I did: ¶ Investigating and resolving database performance issues. …
The Knowledge, London's Legendary Taxi-Driver Test, Puts Up a Fight in the Age of GPS
The examination to become a London cabbie is possibly the most difficult test in the world — demanding years of study to memorize the labyrinthine city’s 25,000 streets and any business or landmark on them. As GPS and Uber imperil this tradition, is there an argument for learning as an end in itself…
Hasnain says:
"You could also call the Knowledge the greatest tribute a city has ever paid to itself, a love letter more ardent than “I ❤ N.Y.” or anything else a Chamber of Commerce might cook up. The Knowledge says that London is Holy Writ, a great mystery to be pored over, and that a corps of municipal Talmudists must be delegated to that task. To the extent that the mystifying clichés hold — that taxi drivers are London’s singers of songlines and fonts of folk wisdom, carrying not just the secrets of London navigation but the deep history of the city and its streets — the disappearance of the Knowledge would be an assault on civic memory, a blow, if you will, to historic preservation. Smartphone apps and Google Maps may ensure that Londoners will never again be lost in their own city, but if the Knowledge disappears, will something of London itself be lost — will some essence of the place vanish along with all those guys on mopeds, learning the town’s roads and plumbing its depths?"
Posted on 2014-11-12T04:40:35+0000
The Founder's Guide To Selling Your Company • Justin Kan
For most founders, selling a company is a life changing event that they have had no training for. At Y Combinator, one big thing we help our startups with is navigating questions around the acquisition process. Originally, I wrote this guide for... | Justin Kan | YC Partner and I started some compan…
How we've made Raptor up to 4x faster than Unicorn, up to 2x faster than Puma, Torquebox
Ruby web server up to 4x faster than Unicorn, up to 2x faster than Puma and Torquebox.
Hasnain says:
This is some really cool stuff, low level optimization is always interesting.
Posted on 2014-11-11T04:53:47+0000
The Art of Not Working at Work
At first, the ability to check email, read ESPN, or browse Zappos while on the job may feel like a luxury. But in time, many crave more meaningful—and more demanding—responsibilities.
Hasnain says:
"The gap between image and substance is also a recurring theme in the comic Dilbert, whose creator, Scott Adams, was inspired by his uninspiring stints in the working world. Again and again, Adams questions not only the link between work and rationality, but also the relation between work and productivity: “Work can be defined as ‘anything you’d rather not be doing,’” he says. “Productivity is a different matter.”"
Posted on 2014-11-05T05:31:19+0000
How Uber Is Changing Night Life in Los Angeles
Navigating Los Angeles night life with Uber and other smartphone apps for ride-sharing services.
Hasnain says:
"And Uber can only change Los Angeles’s car culture so much. In a nod to the city’s continued obsession with the status ride, the company recently implemented, in Los Angeles and Orange County only, UberPlus, with a fleet of BMWs and other luxury vehicles. Even with ride shares, what you pull up in matters.
“If you’re going to the airport, you use UberX, who cares,” said Mr. Heitzler, the Venice artist. “But if you have to go to a party at the Chateau” — the see-and-be-seen celebrity-magnet Chateau Marmont — “you at least go black car. Or even a giant S.U.V. There’s nothing better than getting out of a giant S.U.V. at the Chateau by yourself.”"
Posted on 2014-11-02T23:20:10+0000
Passports for Sale | Dissent Magazine
Passports for Sale Atossa Araxia Abrahamian ▪ Fall 2014 (Daisuke Matsumura / Flickr) Last March, Malta began accepting citizenship applications from wealthy foreigners willing to invest $1.5 million in the country in exchange for Maltese citizenship (and with it, all the benefits that come wi…
Hasnain has not yet written a summary for this.
Posted on 2014-11-02T04:37:21+0000
A father’s scars: For Va.’s Creigh Deeds, tragedy brings unending questions
Almost a year ago, Creigh Deeds’s mentally ill son attacked him with a knife before committing suicide. Now the Virginia state senator struggles with unending what-ifs.
Hasnain says:
This is a really moving story about mental illness.
"“I’ll have these questions for the rest of my life,” he says, and begins asking them again. Did Gus want to kill him? Did he know his father loved him? Did he hear him? Is that why he stopped? The questions keep coming, even though by now he has realized the inescapable answer.
“I’m never really going to know,” he says, and once more he is driving, music on, window down, and winding through the woods."
Posted on 2014-11-02T04:09:03+0000