


A Localization Horror Story: It Could Happen To You - Locale::Maketext::TPJ13 -

Imagine that your task for the day is to localize a piece of software -- and luckily for you, the only output the program emits is two messages, like this:

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Hasnain says:

"One more lesson Charles learned? That marketing is the flip side of science.
“You can have the best treatment in the world, but if people won’t use it, it won’t matter.”'

Posted on 2015-01-15T02:32:56+0000



Obama calls for government-run high-speed internet

The president is visiting Cedar Falls, IA, today to make the case for city governments to build their own super-fast broadband networks.

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Hasnain says:

" They said that KidZania gave them what they desired most of all: a sense of autonomy. “Whenever you’re at home, your parents say, ‘You need to do this, this, and this,’ and you say, ‘I don’t want to do this,’ ” the boy with the overwhelming social-media presence told me. “But, when you’re in KidZania, you feel like you’re an adult, and you say what you want to do.” "

Posted on 2015-01-14T17:40:38+0000


The goats fighting America's plant invasion

The US has discovered that one of the best ways of fighting invasive plants is also one of the oldest - goats.

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Bees, Inc.: Save the Honeybee, Sterilize the Earth

A decade ago, people started panicking about the collapse of the honeybee population and the crash of our food supply.

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Hasnain says:

" When I was in college they told us there would always be a demand for software developers. In general that’s still true.

I always wondered what it would look like when it stopped being true, when the need for developers dwindled, and programming stopped paying the bills.

Now I know.

For the lone game programmer that day has already arrived.


Posted on 2015-01-14T02:16:57+0000