
The borrow checker within · baby steps

There is another place where the borrow checker’s rules fall short: phased initialization. Rust today follows the functional programming language style of requiring values for all the fields of a struct when it is created. Mostly this is fine, but sometimes you have structs where you want to initi...

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Hasnain says:

“You might wonder about the impact of these changes on Rust’s complexity. Certainly they grow the set of things the type system can express. But in my mind they, like NLL before them, fall into that category of changes that will actually make using Rust feel simpler overall.
To see why, put yourself in the shoes of a user today who has written any one of the “obviously correct” programs we’ve seen in this post”

Posted on 2024-06-14T23:17:25+0000


Welcome to yobihome

You can come to McDonalds and order a salad, but you won't. Same with notebooks, you can write NASA-production-grade software in a notebook, but most likely you won't. Notebooks make you lazy, and encourage bad practices.

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Hasnain says:

“i considered you to be my friend, how could you do this to me?

Hi Lucas, I'm not judging you. We can still be friends. But we can be better friends if you stop using notebooks.”

Posted on 2024-06-14T14:41:37+0000


Generative AI Is Not Going To Build Your Engineering Team For You - Stack Overflow

June 10, 2024Generative AI Is Not Going To Build Your Engineering Team For YouIt’s easy to generate code, but not so easy to generate good code. Credit: Alexandra FrancisWhen I was 19 years old, I dropped out of college and moved to San Francisco. I had a job offer in hand to be a Unix sysadmin fo...

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Hasnain says:

Great read as always from Charity.

“The bottleneck we face is hiring, not training

The bottleneck we face now is not our ability to train up new junior engineers and give them skills. Nor is it about juniors learning to hustle harder; I see a lot of solid, well-meaning advice on this topic, but it’s not going to solve the problem. The bottleneck is giving them their first jobs. The bottleneck consists of companies who see them as a cost to externalize, not an investment in their—the company’s—future.

After their first job, an engineer can usually find work. But getting that first job, from what I can see, is murder. It is all but impossible—if you didn’t graduate from a top college, and you aren’t entering the feeder system of Big Tech, then it’s a roll of the dice, a question of luck or who has the best connections. It was rough before the chimera of “Generative AI can replace junior engineers” rose up from the swamp. And now…oof.

Where would you be, if you hadn’t gotten into tech when you did?

I know where I would be, and it is not here.

The internet loves to make fun of Boomers, the generation that famously coasted to college, home ownership, and retirement, then pulled the ladder up after them while mocking younger people as snowflakes. “Ok, Boomer” may be here to stay, but can we try to keep “Ok, Staff Engineer” from becoming a thing?”

Posted on 2024-06-14T04:38:02+0000


Hasnain says:

“Unusual” relationships? They should just outright call this sexual harassment as I don’t see how it can be any different given the power differential here.

“Elon Musk had a sexual relationship with a former SpaceX intern, who he later hired onto his executive team, according to The Wall Street Journal. He also had a sexual relationship with a second employee. And a third woman alleged that Musk asked her several times to have his children; she refused. He then denied her a raise and complained about her performance.”

Posted on 2024-06-13T23:21:11+0000


The Titan Submersible Disaster Shocked the World. The Inside Story Is More Disturbing Than Anyone Imagined

A year after OceanGate’s sub imploded, thousands of leaked documents and interviews with ex-employees reveal how the company’s CEO cut corners, ignored warnings, and lied in his fatal quest to reach the Titanic.

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Hasnain says:

That diagram is something else.

“Days later, Rush received an even more pointed warning from Boeing’s Mark Negley, who had stayed in contact with the CEO after he helped with a preliminary design. Negley had recently carried out an analysis of Spencer Composites’ hull based on information Rush had shared. He did not mince words when sharing his findings, which WIRED is reporting for the first time. “We think you are at a high risk of a significant failure at or before you reach 4,000 meters. We do not think you have any safety margin,” he wrote in an email on March 30. “Be cautious and careful.”

Negley provided a graph charting the strain on the submersible against depth. It shows a skull and crossbones in the region below 4,000 meters.”

Posted on 2024-06-12T17:01:47+0000


Balancing Old Tricks with New Feats: AI-Powered Conversion From Enzyme to React Testing Library at Slack - Slack Engineering

In the world of frontend development, one thing remains certain: change is the only constant. New frameworks emerge, and libraries can become obsolete without warning. Keeping up with the ever-changing ecosystem involves handling code conversions, both big and small. One significant shift for us was...

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Hasnain says:

“Notably, our adoption rate, calculated as the number of files that our codemod ran on divided by the total number of files converted to RTL, reached approximately 64%. This adoption rate highlights the significant utilization of our codemod tool by the frontend developers who were the primary consumers, resulting in substantial time savings. “

Posted on 2024-06-12T14:01:09+0000


Clash between Young Thug's attorney and the judge could upend Atlanta trial

Did the judge the presiding over Young Thug’s racketeering trial in Atlanta let his emotions get the better of him Monday when he held a defense lawyer in contempt and sentenced him to 10 weekends in jail?

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Hasnain says:

The more I read about this case and what’s happened these last 2 days the more I keep losing my mind

“Georgia State University law professor Anthony Kreis said Glanville’s hostile reaction to Steel’s valid concerns about the meeting was shocking.

“Judges cannot respond by unduly taking their feelings out against an attorney like Judge Glanville did yesterday,” Kreis said. “Frankly, I was surprised that Judge Glanville didn’t take a step back all day to reconsider what he was doing or at least pump the brakes.””

Posted on 2024-06-12T03:22:17+0000


Hasnain says:

"libriscv is a mature RISC-V emulator that is currently being used in game engines. As far as I know, it is the only emulator that focuses solely on latency, and provides specialized solutions and tools to accomplish fast in-and-out function calls wrapped around a safe sandbox. It has much lower latencies than gold standard emulators. It is also among the fastest interpreters right now."

Posted on 2024-06-09T05:35:47+0000


Adam Shatz · Israel’s Descent

Eight months after 7 October, Palestine remains in the grip, and at the mercy, of a furious, vengeful Jewish state, ever...

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Hasnain says:

Worth reading in full - especially where the author calls out (rightly, IMO) that Israel has lost the moral war amongst people that have a conscience. More so in light of today’s events.

“The violence will not cease unless the US cuts off the delivery of arms and forces Israel’s hand. This isn’t likely to happen anytime soon: Netanyahu is due to address Congress on 24 July, after receiving an unctuous, bipartisan invitation to share his ‘vision for defending democracy, combating terror and establishing a just and lasting peace in the region’. Biden’s call for a ceasefire has been met with another humiliating rejection by Netanyahu, who knows that the administration isn’t about to suspend military aid or observe any of its own ‘red lines’. But the encampment movement, and the growing dissent among progressive Democratic leaders from Rashida Tlaib to Bernie Sanders, foreshadows a future in which Washington will no longer provide weapons and diplomatic cover for Israel’s crimes. Whether Palestinians will be able to hold onto their lands until that day, in the face of the settler zealots and ethnic cleansers who have captured the Israeli state, remains to be seen.”

Posted on 2024-06-08T18:51:05+0000


Israel says Hamas weaponised rape. Does the evidence add up?

The Israeli government insists that Hamas formally sanctioned sexual assault on October 7, 2023. But investigators say the evidence does not stand up to scrutiny. Catherine Philp and Gabrielle Weiniger report on eight months of claim and counter-claim

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Hasnain says:

“Patten is less hopeful. “When I discussed it in Israel I did not get any positive feedback,” she explains. “The ball is in the court of the government of Israel.” Angered by its stance, the families of some of those killed and taken hostage on October 7 are taking their complaint to the International Criminal Court, despite Israel’s refusal to engage with that body on a state level. In the meantime, Patten has seen her findings instrumentalised by both sides: the denialists who focus on the evidentiary failings in Israel’s version of events, and those who have used the claims in support of the brutal campaign being visited on Gaza and its civilian population. “On one hand we have the fog of war, and that often silences crimes of sexual violence. But we have also seen in history instances where sexual violence can be weaponised,” she told reporters. “Truth is the only path to peace.””

Posted on 2024-06-07T20:13:47+0000