
The New Napster: How Sci-Hub is Blowing Up the Academic Publishing Industry - The Art of Ass-Kicking

There has been an explosive new development in how scientific research is read and distributed. It’s name is Sci-Hub. Founded in 2011 by Alexandra Elbakyan (who was, at the time, a 22 year-old graduate student based in Kazakhstan), the site has seen a major uptick in the last year. In February 2016,...

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The Quiet Crisis unfolding in Software Development

About MeI’ve been working in software development for twenty-eight years. My current position is Senior Development Director at a software consulting compa…

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Hasnain says:

An engrossing read on managing software developers.

"Even worse is when bug fixes are included in completed work item counts when those bugs are fixed by the software developers that caused them in the first place. For example consider a project that developer #1 is likely to complete in ten days with a low or nonexistent bug count vs. developer #2 who is likely to complete it in five days but the feature ends up with four bugs eventually being discovered, each of which take two days to patch. Not to mention the extra support costs and negative customer experience that will result from those bugs.
In this scenario developer #1 only completed one work item in ten days and developer #2 completed five work items in thirteen days. Which developer is more productive? Your own completed work item metrics are probably lying to you. Don’t trust them and absolutely don’t publicize them."

Posted on 2016-05-30T19:22:40+0000


Poverty: What Does It Mean To Be Poor? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Poverty is measured on the basis of income, but that is often too one-dimensional for such a complex phenomenon. Researchers have developed better ways of defining who falls below the poverty line, but do those concepts stand up to the test?

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We need to challenge the myth that the rich are specially-talented wealth creators

In this article Andrew Sayer revives some concepts – ‘unearned income’, ‘rentiers’, ‘functionless investors’, and ‘improperty’ – to explain why the very rich are unjust and dysfunctiona…

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Backreaction: The Holy Grail of Crackpot Filtering: How the arXiv decides what’s science – and...

Where do we draw the boundary between science and pseudoscience? It’s is a question philosophers have debated for as long as there’s been science – and last time I looked they hadn’t made much progress. When you ask a sociologist their answer is normally a variant of: Science is what scientists do.…

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I’m a black man. Here’s what happened when I booked an Airbnb. — Stay Woke

This is a story of an AIRBNB experience I recently went through. I met this awesome lady Crissie in my Facebook Group. Super nice lady…

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Hasnain says:

"So I had a white friend book for my same dates and all of a sudden her plans changed back hahaha. Approved immediately! LOL"


Posted on 2016-05-28T04:54:37+0000



The superbug that doctors have been dreading just reached the U.S.

For the first time, researchers have found a person in the United States carrying bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort. CDC chief says this could mean "the end of the road" for antibiotics.

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This industry helps Chinese cheat their way into & through US colleges

A cheating ring at the University of Iowa demonstrates the damage being done by a booming Chinese cottage industry to the U.S. higher education system.

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