
As Tech Evaporates Jobs, "The Tipping Point Will Be Driverless Trucks"

Driverless vehicles "will make what happened in the steel or auto industries look tiny," says the former chief of one of America's largest unions.

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Hasnain says:

"Daniel Perl is continuing to examine the brains of blast-injured soldiers. After five years of working with the military, he feels sure, he told me, that many blast injuries have not been identified. “We could be talking many thousands,” he said. “And what scares me is that what we’re seeing now might just be the first round. If they survive the initial injuries, many of them may develop C.T.E. years or decades later.”"

Posted on 2016-06-11T21:54:31+0000


Laid-Off Americans, Required to Zip Lips on Way Out, Grow Bolder

Those who have lost jobs to foreigners on temporary visas, in particular, have begun to speak out despite their severance agreements with companies.

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Hasnain says:

Another sad immigration story, this time from the UK.

"This is the system we asked for. We thought it wouldn’t apply to “us.” We built it to keep Them out, to keep Us safe. But how quickly that system turns and engulfs the ones we love.
Then it’s not “Us vs Them.” It’s Us vs Ourselves."

"The Australian/Dutch woman down there with me thought that because we didn’t look like criminals, we shouldn’t be treated like criminals. What she didn’t realize that was we were both playing the part of “criminals” in a shadow puppet play to appease terrified citizens, fearful of attack from the Other, of theft of jobs and currency. It didn’t matter what we looked like because no one else would see us. It didn’t matter who we were because no employer would come running to our rescue. We had ceased to be people and had become numbers, convenient and disposable. For lack of anyone more suspicious to bully, we were pulled aside, our rights suspended, and then cast away with only the thinnest of excuses."

Posted on 2016-06-10T21:56:19+0000


Hasnain says:

Super engrossing read, made even better if you know about silicon valley (both the real one and the show). Full of spoilers though.

"“Multiple people have told me, ‘I’m the Erlich of my company,’” he continued. “I actually tell them, ‘You know that’s not a good thing, right?’”"

Posted on 2016-06-10T11:30:50+0000




Hasnain says:

"It's more comfortable to talk about inequality and poverty outside the context of race. More than half the country thinks past or present discrimination is not a major factor in why black Americans face problems today. But in the past, it was OK to literally build a wall between a white neighborhood and black neighborhood. That was a lot easier to point at and say: Hey, that's racist. Now, those concrete symbols of racism are largely gone and what's left are their systemic effects. Sometimes, that makes it hard to be as outraged.

But in this country, we forced people into toxic neighborhoods based on the color of their skin, and it still plays an overwhelming role in which people gets a real shot to be healthy, happy, and hopeful. In other words, the walls are still there."

Posted on 2016-06-08T04:59:11+0000


MongoDB queries don’t always return all matching documents! — Meteor Engineering

When I query a database, I generally expect that it will return all the results that match my query. Recently, I was surprised to find that…

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